Terms and Conditions

Beecards is a product of beewired srl, hereinafter referred to as “beewired” with registered office in Italy, Via Gualtiero Serafino, 8 – 00136 Rome, VAT number and Fiscal Code IT13377721009, REA n.RM-1442696.


This “Terms and Conditions” document applies to this website and transactions relating to our products and services. We may be bound by additional contracts relating to your relationship with us or any products or services you receive from us. If any provision of the additional agreements conflicts with any provision of these Terms, the provisions of these additional agreements will control and prevail.


By registering for, accessing or otherwise using this website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions set forth below. Simply using this website constitutes knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions. In some particular cases, we may also ask you to explicitly consent.

Electronic communication

By using this website or communicating with us electronically, you agree and acknowledge that we may communicate with you electronically on our website or by sending you an email, and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement, including but not limited to the requirement that such communications be in writing.

Intellectual property

We or our licensors own and control all copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Website and the data, information and other resources displayed or accessible within the Website.

All rights reserved

Unless the specific content dictates otherwise, you are not granted a license or any other right under any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. This means that you may not use, copy, reproduce, perform, display, distribute, incorporate into any electronic means, alter, decompile, transfer, download, transmit, monetize, sell or commercialize any of the assets of this website in any form, without our prior written permission, except and only to the extent otherwise provided in mandatory legal regulations (such as the right to quote).

Third party property

Our website may include hyperlinks or other references to the websites of other parties. We do not control or review the contents of other party websites that are linked to this website. Products or services offered by other websites are subject to the applicable Terms and Conditions of those third parties. Opinions expressed or material appearing on these websites are not necessarily shared or endorsed by us.
We will not be responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these sites. You accept all risks associated with the use of these websites and any linked third-party services. We will not accept any liability for any loss or damage howsoever caused, including arising out of your disclosure to third parties of personal information.

Responsible use

By visiting our website, you agree to use it only for its intended purposes and as permitted by these Terms, any additional agreements with us, and applicable laws and regulations, as well as generally accepted online practices and website guidelines. sector. You must not use our website or services to use, publish or distribute any material which consists of (or is linked to) harmful computer software; use any data collected from our website for any direct marketing activities, or conduct any systematic or automated data collection activities on or in relation to our website.
You are strictly prohibited from engaging in any activity that causes, or may cause, damage to the Website or that interferes with the performance, availability or accessibility of the Website.

beecards subscription conditions

These Terms of Use govern your use of our service. In the context of these Terms of Use, “beecards service”, “our service” or “the service” means the personalized service provided by beewired for choosing and accessing the contents of the beecards Reserved Area site, including all related features and functionality, recommendations and reviews, websites and user interfaces, as well as all content and software associated with our Service.

The beecards service

Beewired, through beecards, provides a personalized subscription service that allows its subscribers to access a reserved area where they can:

  • register your association’s logo, name, information
  • configure all the card types used within your association
  • register the list of members, thus providing each with a digital card and their respective credentials to activate the beecards APP which can be downloaded free of charge from the Stores
  • check the expiry dates of each individual member’s membership card
  • record and update the association’s news visible through the APPs downloaded by members
  • send and receive communications to one or all members through their APP
  • send emails to all members
  • pay the periodic subscription fees for the service
  • consult the guides for the best use of the service


The beecards subscription begins with the first payment and will continue until the next payment due, without which the service itself will be interrupted. The use of the beecards service does not require any download or installation, but only requires Internet access by the Customer and a device that contains a browser compatible with beecards (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari…).
We offer different subscription plans with different conditions that you can find by visiting the website www.beecards.it.

Promotional offers.

From time to time we may offer plans, subscriptions or special promotional offers (“Offers”). beewired determines eligibility for Offers in its sole discretion and we reserve the right to revoke an Offer and suspend your account if it is determined that you are no longer eligible for the offer. Eligibility requirements and other limitations and conditions will be made known upon signing the offer or through other communication methods made available to the Customer.

Billing and cancellation

When signing up for the subscription, coinciding with payment (via PayPal), an invoice is sent to the email address with which the Customer registered. The duration of the billing cycle will depend on the type of subscription chosen when registering for the service and on the subsequent conditions that the Customer may choose. In some cases the payment date may vary, for example if the subscription began on a day not present in a given month. To view the date by which the customer must make the next payment, visit the reserved area and click on the “Renewals” link.
The beecards service does not provide for the automatic withdrawal of fees, but rather for voluntary payment by the Customer. Therefore, for periodic payments of the fees, before the fee expires, beecards will send e-mails with the notice of the deadline and the link to make the payment on the PayPal platform. The Customer can also make the payment directly from his Reserved Area by accessing the “Renewals” menu item. If the Customer does not pay the fee or one of his payments is not successful for any reason, upon expiration of the fee we will suspend access to the service until the overdue fee(s) have been successfully paid. Once 3 consecutive months have passed from the date of the due payment of the fee not made, the contract is considered tacitly terminated and we will delete all recorded data.
For some Payment Methods, the issuer may charge certain fees, such as for international transactions or other fees associated with processing your Payment Method. Local tax charges charged may vary depending on the Payment Method used. For further details we invite the Customer to check with the manager of the service linked to his Payment Method.
The beecards service does not require a formal cancellation and is automatically interrupted at the end of the current billing period, with the Customer interrupting the payment of the fees. The Customer will continue to have access to the beecards service until the end of the invoiced and paid period. Payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for partially used subscription periods or unused Beecards content. To check the closing date of your account, click on “Renewals” in your reserved area.

We may change our subscription plans and the pricing of our service from time to time; however, any change in price or subscription plans will take effect no earlier than 30 days from the date we send you notice thereof.

Additional information

To subscribe to the beecards service you must be at least 18 years old. Minors can use the service only under the supervision of an adult.
For the duration of the beecards subscription, we grant the Customer a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access the service. Except as foregoing, no other right, title or interest shall pass to Customer.

The number of accounts with which you can simultaneously access the service will depend on the subscription plan chosen and is specified within your reserved area.

The beecards service is updated regularly.

The use of the service depends on a minimum necessary connection speed of 256 Kbps; however, we recommend a faster connection for better use. All Internet access costs will be borne by the Customer. We recommend that you check any data charges with your Internet provider.

The beecards software is developed by and on behalf of beewired
and can only be used to access the Beecards reserved area. This software may vary depending on the device and means of use and the features and functions may be different depending on the device. Customer agrees that use of the Service may require third-party software that is subject to third-party licenses.

Password and account access.

The subscriber who created the beecards account and makes the payment (“Account Holder”) is responsible for all activities that occur through the beecards account. To maintain control of the account and prevent anyone from accessing the account (and therefore also information on the history of viewing the account), the Account Owner must maintain control of the devices used to access the service, and not you must disclose the password or payment details associated with your account to anyone. It will be your responsibility to update the information you provide to us regarding your account and ensure it is accurate. We may close or suspend your account to protect you, beecards or our partners from identity theft or other fraudulent activity.


These Terms of Use are governed by Italian laws and interpreted in accordance with them.

For more information about our service and its features or if the Customer needs assistance with their account, we invite you to visit the beecards Help Center, accessible via this website.

In some cases, Customer Service may assist the Customer better either by telephone or by using a remote access assistance tool, through which we will have full access to the Customer’s computer, obviously subject to the Customer’s prior consent.

If one or more provisions of these Terms of Use are deemed invalid, illegal or unenforceable, this will not affect the validity, legitimacy and enforceability of the remaining provisions, which will continue to have full validity and effect.

Beewired may change these Terms of Use from time to time by providing notice at least 30 days before such changes apply to Customer.

We will send you information relating to your account (for example, payment authorizations, invoices, password or Payment Method changes, confirmation messages, notifications) exclusively in electronic format, for example by email to the email address provided at the time of registration. registration.

Cessation of use

We may, in our sole discretion, at any time modify or terminate your access, temporarily or permanently, to the Website or any services on it. You agree that we will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of your access to or use of the Website or any content you may have shared on the Website. You will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment, even if certain features, settings, and/or any content that you contributed or relied on are permanently lost. You may not circumvent or bypass, or attempt to circumvent or bypass, any access restriction measures on our website.

Guarantees and responsibilities

This website and all contents on the website are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis and may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, as to the availability, accuracy or completeness of the Content. We do not guarantee that:

  • this website or our content meets your needs;
  • this website will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free basis

In no event will we be liable for any direct or indirect damages (including damages for loss of profits or revenue, loss or corruption of data, software or databases, or loss of or damage to property or data) incurred by you or any third party. party, resulting from your access to or use of our website.

Except to the extent any additional agreement expressly states otherwise, our maximum liability to Customer for all damages arising out of or relating to the Website or any products and services marketed or sold through the Website, regardless of the form of action legal imposition of liability (whether in contract, equity, negligence, intentional misconduct, tort or otherwise) will be limited to the total price you paid to us to purchase such products or services or use the Website. This limit will apply in the aggregate to all claims, actions and causes of action of every kind and nature.


To access our website and/or our services, you may be asked to provide certain user information as part of the registration process. You agree that any information you provide will always be accurate, correct and up to date.
For further information, please see our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.


You may not assign, transfer or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part, to any third party without our prior written consent. Any purported assignment in violation of this Section will be null and void.

Violations of these terms and conditions

Without prejudice to our other rights under these Terms and Conditions, if you breach these Terms and Conditions in any way, we may take such action as we deem appropriate to deal with the breach, including temporarily or permanently suspending your access to the site web, by contacting your Internet service provider to request that they block your access to the website, and/or take legal action against you.


You agree to indemnify, defend and hold us harmless, from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses and expenses, relating to your breach of these terms and conditions, and applicable laws, including intellectual property rights and privacy. You will promptly reimburse us for our damages, losses, costs and expenses relating to or arising from such claims.


Failure to enforce any of the provisions set out in these Terms and Conditions and any Agreement, or failure to exercise any termination option, shall not be construed as a waiver of such provisions and shall not affect the validity of these Terms and Conditions or of any Agreement or any part thereof, or the subsequent right to enforce each individual provision.


These Terms and Conditions will be interpreted and understood exclusively in Italian. All notices and correspondence will be written exclusively in that language.

Full agreement

These Terms and Conditions, together with our privacy policy and cookie policy, constitute the entire agreement between you and beewired in relation to the use of this website.

Updating these terms and conditions

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time. It is your obligation to periodically check these Terms and Conditions for any changes or updates. The date indicated at the beginning of these Terms and Conditions is the last revision date. Changes to these Terms and Conditions will become effective when such changes are posted on this website. Your continued use of this website following the posting of changes or updates will be deemed notice of your agreement to abide and be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

Choice of law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of Italy. Any dispute relating to these Terms and Conditions will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Italy. If any part or provision of these Terms and Conditions is held by a court or other authority to be invalid and/or unenforceable under applicable law, such part or provision will be modified, eliminated and/or enforced to the maximum extent permitted. so as to give effect to the intent of these Terms and Conditions. Other provisions will not be affected.

Contact information

This website is owned and operated by beewired.
You can contact us regarding these Terms and Conditions through our Contacts page.

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